Auditions for our 2025 Main Stage Season will be held on show by show basis.
If you wish to audition for a later show in the season, please check back here and on social media for the most up to date audition information.

When: Saturday, January 18th, 2025
Where: Theatre Raleigh Arts Center, 6638 Old Wake Forest Road
Theatre Raleigh – Raleigh, NC
SPT Tier 6 Contract
Equity minimum $605 weekly
Non-Equity minimum- $400 weekly
Executive Director: Lauren Kennedy Brady
Artistic Director: Eric Woodall
Director: Eric Woodall
Music Director: Dominick Amendum
Choreographer: Eamon Foley
Music and Lyrics: Sara Bareilles
Book: Jessie Nelson
Casting Director: Eric Woodall, CSA
When: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Where: Theatre Raleigh Arts Center, 6638 Old Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616
Prepare: A short contemporary pop or musical theatre song in the style of Sara Bareilles.
An accompanist will be provided. Bring sheet music neatly marked in the correct key.
Bring photo/resume stapled together.
Dates of Production
First rehearsal: July 14, 2025
Opening: August 6, 2025
Closing: August 24, 2025
JENNA – The character is Female, 20’s-30’s. Any ethnicity. A woman stuck in her life as an unhappily married waitress in a small town. Finds some happiness and expression through her meticulous baking of pies and her friendships with her coworkers, Dawn and Becky. Lives her life paycheck-to-paycheck, day by day, and wants nothing more than to get away and start fresh, unbeknownst to her destructive husband, Earl. Must have a fantastic pop/rock voice with great range, in the style of Sara Bareilles.
DAWN – The character is Female, 20, and of any ethnicity. She youngest of the waitresses. Thick glasses, hair parted 14 centimeters to the left — eccentric is the nice way to say she’s sightly unusual, and not so slightly OCD. She sets the tables, painstakingly ensuring each salt and pepper shaker is equidistant from the napkin holder. Must have an excellent pop/rock/folk voice.
BECKY – ROLE IS CAST. The character is Female, early 40’s-early 50’s, ANY ethnicity. The oldest of the three waitresses. Irreverent, irascible, been there, made it back, and somehow kept her forward and sometimes wicked sense of humor with excellent comedic timing. Must have a soulful pop voice with an excellent pop belt.
DR. POMATTER – This character is Male, 30’s-early 40’s, any ethnicity. Handsome, endearing, and neurotic. Has a warm, if clumsy, matter. Jenna’s gynecologist with whom an unexpected extramarital affair is born. Has a quirky sense of humor and a big heart, despite the fact that he’s contributing to the affair. Must have impeccable comedic timing and must move well. Should have a very strong pop/rock tenor that can navigate the musical style of Sara Bareilles with ease.
EARL – This character is Male, 20’S-30’s, any ethnicity. Jenna’s husband. Peaked in high school, handsome in a gruff way, but that face is clouded with broken dreams, drowned with cheap beer. Just enough narcissism mixed with stupidity, to be a potent Molotov cocktail that can explode into unexpected anger one second and then turn into a sobbing mess the next. Actors auditioning for EARL would need to come prepared with a song in the vein of Elton John or a similar contemporary singer/songwriter. Guitar playing is a plus.
OGIE – This character is Male, 30’s, any ethnicity. Strange, yet oddly lovable. Becomes slightly obsessed with Dawn (in a hilarious yet endearing way) after she goes on a 5-minute date with him. Quirky, incredibly persistent, and odd, yet kind. Should have excellent comedic timing. Must have an excellent pop/rock tenor/baritenor sound.
JOE – This character is Male, 60’s-70’s, any ethnicity. The owner of the diner where Jenna, Dawn, Becky, and Cal work. A seemingly old, curmudgeonly man with a soft spot for Jenna (and her pie), warm at heart. A sarcastically funny and no-nonsense guy with a keen ability to read people. Very funny.
CAL – This character is Male, any ethnicity, 40’s. A chef at the diner. A “Salt of the Earth”
guy’s guy surrounded by gals. Brash, impatient, unsentimental, but somehow charming. Should
have a strong pop/rock voice with great comedic chops. Must have a strong contemporary baritone singing voice in the style of Sara Bareilles and have excellent comedic timing.
MALE ENSEMBLE – Male identifying, all ethnicities, ranging from mid 20’s to late 30’s. Must have excellent pop/rock voices in the style of Sara Bareilles. Must have excellent comedic timing and be able to play a range of characters comprising the community in which the story takes place. Must be strong movers/dancers.
FEMALE ENSEMBLE – Female identifying, all ethnicities, ranging from mid 20’s to late 30’s. Must have excellent pop/rock voices in the style of Sara Bareilles. Must have excellent comedic timing and be able to play a range of characters comprising the community in which the story takes place. Must be strong movers/dancers.
Auditions are open to both AEA and non-equity members.
Please sign up for a time spot through the link below that corresponds with your equity status.
Self tapes will be accepted until January 17th at
For questions, please email

When: Monday, January 20th, 2025
Where: Theatre Raleigh Arts Center, 6638 Old Wake Forest Road
Theatre Raleigh- Raleigh, NC
SPT Tier 6 Contract
Equity minimum $605 weekly
Non-Equity minimum- $400 weekly
Executive Director: Lauren Kennedy Brady
Artistic Director: Eric Woodall
Director: Jessica Bogart
Music Supervisor: Kevin Lawson
Writer: Rick Elice
Based on the Novel by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Music by Wayne Barker
Casting Director: Eric Woodall, CSA
When: Monday, January 20, 2025
Where: Theatre Raleigh Arts Center, 6638 Old Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616
Prepare: A short contemporary monologue
Bring photo/resume stapled together.
First rehearsal: May 19, 2025
Opening: June 11, 2025
Closing: June 22, 2025
BLACK STACHE- The character is male. Any ethnicity. 30s-50s. A notorious pirate, terrorizing the seven seas in search of a worthy adversary. Heartless, hirsute, and suspiciously well read. Partial to the poetical and theatrical, which causes him to behave quite flamboyantly.
MOLLY ASTER- The character is female. Any ethnicity. 18-25. A young girl and Starcatcher apprentice who is taken aboard the Neverland as precious cargo. Curious and intelligent, she is only beginning to understand the confusing romantic longings
that come with her age. She will risk anything for the sake of what is right.
BOY/PETER- The character is male. Any ethnicity. 18-25. A lonely and hardened orphan who doesn’t miss much. Nameless, homeless, and friendless at the beginning of the play and a hero by the end. He wants a home and a family more than anything, and dreams of a life of being free.
GREMPKIN- The characters are male. Any ethnicity. 30s-50s. The schoolmaster of St. Norbert’s Orphanage for Lost Boys. Mean and malodorous, he revels in keeping his boys in the dark and malnourished. Also plays FIGHTING PRAWN; MACK; SÁNCHEZ.
MRS. BUMBRAKE- Seeking male-identifying, gender non-conforming, and non-binary actors to play characters that are male and female. Any ethnicity. 30s-50s. Molly’s nanny, a stereotypical British cad and outfitted with the duty of teaching Molly about womanhood. She still has enough charm in her age to attract a sailor or two. Also plays TEACHER.
BILL SLANK – The characters are male. Any ethnicity. 35-55. The vicious orphaned captain of the Neverland. He does not possess the capacity to lead anyone but himself, which puts him constantly in disaster. Greedy enough to send boys to their doom for the chance of gaining starstuff. Optional Doubling as HAWKING CLAM.
SMEE – The character is male. Any ethnicity. 25-55. Black Stache’s first mate. He is single-mindedly dedicated to his captain’s every whim.
PRENTISS – The character is male. Any ethnicity. 18-25. An orphan, ambitious, hyper-articulate, and logical. He yearns to be leader, even when he knows in his heart that he’ll never be one. A bit
of a blowhard with a touch of cowardice.
ALF – The character is male. Any ethnicity. 40s-60s. A seafarer, an old sea dog proud of his tenure. His kind heart gives him an appeal to the feminine sensibility.
LORD LEONARD ASTER – The character is male. Any ethnicity. 40-60. Molly’s father, a loyal subject to the Queen. The very model of a Victorian English gentleman, he is a faithful friend and a secret Starcatcher.
CAPTAIN ROBERT FALCON SCOTT – The character is male. Any ethnicity. 35-45. Lord Aster’s old school friend, the captain
of the Wasp, Britain’s fastest frigate. Lives with nautical bravura and heroic patriotism.
TED – The character is male. Any ethnicity. 18-25. An orphan obsessed with food. A natural performer with easy wit and quite poetic language.
Auditions are open to both AEA and non-equity members.
Please sign up for a time spot through the link below that corresponds with your equity status.
Self tapes will be accepted until January 17th at
For questions, please email